Youh Day,thoughts:
Youth day, what about it? Which youth? Black youth is in the streets, begging for food and coins. Black youth is unemployed, educated or not. Black youth is in jail, some retreat to whoonga, unsafe sex, or alcohol. Many are answering calls in call-centers, preparing meals for whites in restaurants or packing groceries for BEE wives at Woolworths. Black kids are busy impregnating each other in school premises, during learning time, the teachers couldn’t care less their busy on BBM and Facebook. They are undertrained and underpaid anyway. White youth has all the facilities, opportunities and resources. Their schools are over resourced, have well-trained and sufficiently remunerated teachers who care deeply about their intellectual and leadership development. So, what is youth day in South Africa, a deeply racially divided country that continues to disadvantage its majority to appease a well-defined few? As my departure to Europe slowly nears, I am thinking about the state of my nation, the hopes of my people and my probable message to the world about post-apartheid South Afrika. I couldn’t have chosen a better day for this necessary mental exercise.
I will jet off this country a very bitter young person, like Lewis Nkosi back in 1961. The post-94 south afrikan state has been a dismal failure. My people remain dispossessed, marginalized and exploited, today with full complicity of our supposed liberators- the afrikan national congress. we have heard all sorts of excuses for the anc's reluctance to liberate black people, while its elite has moved very fast to serve itself and join white capitalism in arrogant consumption. Our people go hungry; there are no schools, no jobs, no roads, no new cities, and no new universities. New forms of shacks have been built for our people, far below the standard of the matchboxes Verwoerd gave us, and we are blackmailed to celebrate this as service delivery. Meanwhile the anc produces a multi-millionaire out of every tender or bee deal. Education ranks amongst the greatest failures of the anc regime, something so critical for success of reconstruction and development. Like the typical post-colonial afrikan state, the anc has used state power primarily to serve itself. The only difference between the anc and Idi Amin/Mobutu Seseko is that it’s looting takes place within the context of 'constitutional democracy' but in principle (lack thereof) they are one and the same thing. Under Amin there were no regular elections, no human rights, no constitutionalism and no other democratic pretensions; there was just plain looting and instant killing of any dissenting voice. The anc gives us the popular vote, enshrines the bill of rights in the constitution and talks about participatory democracy. But just like Amin, the ANC loots, runs the country as its investment arm. Public servants live like royalty, detached from the people, with massive pay and benefits, without any sense of accountability. State institutions are in disarray, run by corrupt, incompetent and arrogant party deployees.
White racism is on rampage, the ANC doesn’t care, as long as it gets it taxes from white capital and thereby able to create another Khulubuse Zuma or Kenny Kunene. More and more black people are exploited, evicted, mistreated or killed in white farms; the anc turns a blind eye. Black people, our culture, identity is insulted in various media platforms in a variety of ways by various white public figures and instead of firm and decisive intervention, the anc ducks and dives, all the time. We are called monkeys, told to be grateful to colonization, our parents are forced to drink urine; the ANC watches on. Whites consolidate their wealth, blacks get poorer. Anc’s response? Job creation. On land reform: we are told we must buy back our stolen land from white racists, if they are willing to sell it back, at market prices. This is from the anc’s very own mouth, our supposed liberator. We are told these are all necessary moves for maintaining growth and wooing foreign investment. What we are not told but we still know is that it is growth for white capital, it is investment by foreign white capital to exploit cheap Afrikan labour and make monstrous profit.
The anc has made south afrikan blacks the laughing stock of the world. We are touted as a miraculous, vibrant, successful tender democracy in a continent of endless governance and political failures. But where is success in black communities? How many of our people are homeless? What of the state of public health facilities? How many black kids die at birth? How many black people die from curable diseases because of neglected, unresourced public health centres? Mrs Grootboom died without a house, even after the highest court in the land had ruled in her favour. Andries Tatane was killed for protesting for delivery of basic services: water. Anc-made tenderpreneurs like Khulubuse have joined white capital in the gross exploitation of black labour, they sip imported whisky in Sandton whilst out people risk their lives every day and go deep underground to fetch gold for them. But they still don’t get paid, for months. But the party continues for Zuma. Post-1994 south afrika is heralded as a success before they anc didn’t close the economic tap on white capital. Nelson Mandela is a saint and cult-figure in the white world because chose peace at the expense of justice. He preached love at the expense of truth. What a false hero he is, history will put him in his real place. When Robert Mugabe adhered to the same political outlook, at the expense of Zimbabwean natives, he too was the English queen’s favourite. He slept at Buckingham palace, wined and dined in 10 Downing Street. When he woke up from this political drunkenness, through the rising discontent of ordinary Zimbabweans, and start talking serious land and economic distribution issues, we were soon told Mugabe is a bad man, a tyrant, a dictator and that he was evil. When white opinion changes, we have no choice but to follow suit.
The rainbow nation circus blackmails, manipulates, bribes and uses all sorts of other tricks to get us to celebrate non-existent victory. A black president, a black government, but the country continues to be governed strictly on behalf of the predominantly racist, unrepentant white minority. The black majority is pushed every day to bend over backwards to reassure white minority that its future is bright in this country, that we will not confiscate any of things white colonialism and apartheid stole from black people. We are forced to smile, just to ease the guilt in the hearts of whites, who know too well that they have all inherited stolen wealth, wealth acquired through crude mass murder, rape, dispossession and enslavement of unsuspecting black people. We are forced to not question ongoing exploitation of the black race, we are lectured about the importance of loving white people and not stand up against marginalization of most blacks from avenues of development. We are told that all is in order and that we must be patient. But all sensible minds see that the rainbow nation exists only in the collective conscious of the anc. Whites are very clear about being interested only in safeguarding white interests. The nonracialism gospel is preached almost exclusively to black people, you would swear that it is black people who are former racist oppressors. You would swear that it is black people who have shown major reluctance to integrate since the advent of democracy. I guess its black people who have suffered from apartheid nostalgia. The anc is stupid, it must be said.
Not yet uhuru, sadly it seems like there is no plan for attaining uhuru. Azania remains an important outpost of global imperialism. But I refuse to accept that Biko died in vain, that Hani was murdered for nothing. Sobukwe did not languish in jail for this.
We will win, we the people. The land is ours.
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